Transformative Impact of Quotible Lead Response at W&L Subaru

April 24, 2024

Executive Summary

W&L Subaru's adoption of Quotible Lead Response marked a pivotal turn in their internet sales strategy, resulting in a substantial improvement in their 90-day close rate with internet prospects. This case study delves into the performance data before and after implementing Quotible, comparing year-over-year (YoY) results not only at W & L Subaru but also across various geographic segments, including District, Zone, Region, and National averages. The data spans from November 1, 2021, to November 30, 2023, with a keen focus on the significant gains observed in the period ending November 2023.


In the highly competitive automotive sales industry, dealerships continuously seek innovative solutions to enhance their sales processes and customer engagement strategies. W&L Subaru, recognizing the potential to leverage technology for an edge in the market, implemented Quotible Lead Response—a cutting-edge digital tool designed to optimize lead management to increase both appointments and close rates.


Year-over-Year Performance: Before Quotible
Prior to the adoption of Quotible Lead Response, from November 1, 2021, to November 30, 2022, W&L Subaru experienced a slight decrease in their 90-day close rate, moving from 16.60% to 15.30%, marking a -1.30% YoY change. This was in contrast to the broader trends observed in their District, Zone, Region, and National levels, where most areas saw improvements in their close rates.

After Implementing Quotible

The implementation of Quotible Lead Response at W&L Subaru significantly enhanced their internet sales performance. From April to November 2023, their 90-day close rate with internet prospects increased by 6%. Remarkably, in November 2023 alone, the close rate soared to 21.70% from the previous year's 9.90%, an 11.80% increase YoY. This substantial improvement contrasts sharply with the modest gains seen at the District, Zone, Region, and National levels.

Comparative Analysis

Comparing W&L Subaru's performance with broader geographical trends highlights the significant impact made by Quotible Lead Response. While W&L Subaru's YoY increase in November 2023 stood at 11.80%, the next highest improvement was seen at the District level with only a 2.50% increase. Zone, Region, and National levels showed even smaller gains, further underscoring the effectiveness of Quotible's technology in enhancing W&L Subaru's sales strategy.


The data unequivocally suggests that W&L Subaru's decision to implement Quotible Lead Response was a game-changer in their internet sales approach. The dealership not only reversed a negative trend in their 90-day close rate but also significantly outperformed their peers across all geographic segments. This case study demonstrates the transformative potential of innovative digital tools like Quotible Lead Response in the competitive automotive industry, particularly in optimizing internet lead management processes and boosting sales outcomes.

"Since implementing Quotible Lead Response in our workflow, we've experienced a steady improvement in our sales performance. Our closing rate for Internet prospects, as validated by the manufacturer, has grown from just under 10% to 16%, with a peak at 21% in the fall of 2023. This represents a year-over-year increase of 6% in our closing rate, significantly outperforming the national average and highlighting the critical impact of Quotible Lead Response on our growth trajectory." - Gregg Bassett General Manager of W&L Subaru
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